Loving Swindon

Working to see Swindon and the surrounding areas come to life in God.

Get involved in loving our town!

We love Swindon and the people that live here! We deeply want to see transformation in this town and the surrounding areas. Because of that, we partner with, support, and highlight others around the town who are serving the people of Swindon and its surrounding areas.

We know that following Jesus means living on mission, doing what Jesus did, wherever you live, work, and play. But we also know that sometimes it looks like getting involved in Kingdom activity around the town, whether that's volunteering, giving, or praying!

So, if you want to be more active in loving Swindon and its people, take a look at this page and listen out for God's voice encouraging you to get involved.

Not all of these organisations are 'Christian', but we would happily encourage you to get involved in any of them!